
LXR Postal Prospecting

Not sure about your next Paydirt buy and have questions on reputable sellers? Well then my paydirt review channel might just be right for you. On my YouTube channel, I primarily review bags of gold paydirt to try an help out those that have questions or who like to watch some panning. I purchase from seller via their website, eBay, Etsy, Amazon or sometimes contact them direct by email. There are some bags that are really good and some that are not so good out there and I try to shed some light on the market. Below are some of the bags of Paydirt I have reviewed.

Wild Bill's High ROI

Gold Nugget Sales

Miller Prospecting

Vendetta Prospecting

Outlaw Rocks Fire Opal Paydirt

Heidi & Conan Prospecting

Lynch Mining

Black Mass Paydirt



Nine Finger Mining
